Ottawa County to Provide Childcare Provider COVID Relief Funding
Ottawa County is providing COVID-relief grants to Childcare Providers. All grant funds will be administered by Ottawa County Health Department. The purpose of these grant funds is to provide relief to those experiencing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grants to Childcare Providers will be limited to $500 per Provider. These funds must be utilized in direct response to COVID-19 related expenses. All interested entities will be required to submit an application to Ottawa County Health Department for assistance. Ottawa County along with a Childcare Task Force will assist in the review of applications from the Childcare Providers.
This funding is available through November 1, 2020 or until all funding is expended. Providers interested in applying for assistance can call the Ottawa County Health Department at (785) 392-2822.
Childcare Funds Application (PDF)
Ottawa County Partners with Love, Inc. to Provide COVID Relief Funding
Ottawa County is partnering with Love, Inc. to provide COVID-relief grants to both individuals and churches or non-profits. All grant funds will be administered by Love, Inc. on behalf of Ottawa County. The purpose of these grant funds is to provide relief to those experiencing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Grants to individuals through Love, Inc. provide funding to help cover utilities, rent and food. All applications will be required to complete an application for assistance through Love, Inc. Utility assistance cannot exceed $600/year and is limited to $100 to $150 per request. Rent assistance is offered 3 times per year, not to exceed $450.00/year and is limited to $100 to $150 per request. Mobile food pantry and commodities assistance is limited to every 4 to 6 weeks depending on frequency of requests. Food vouchers are also available.
Grants to non-profits and churches will be limited to $400 per organization. These funds must be utilized in direct response to COVID-19 related expenses. All interested entities will be required to submit an application to Love, Inc. for assistance. Ottawa County representatives will assist in the review of applications from non-profits and churches.
This funding is available through December 1, 2020 or until all funding is expended. Individuals or organizations interested in applying for assistance can call Love, Inc. at (785) 392-3474 or Ottawa County Emergency Management at (785) 392-3600.