1. How do I file for a Homestead and food sales tax refund?
The Ottawa County Clerk’s office will be glad to assist you in preparing the K-40H, Kansas Homestead Claim form that you will file with the Kansas Department of Revenue. Certain requirements must be met to qualify: 1) Homeowner and renters who were residents of Kansas all of the year you are applying for, 2) Total household income is $34,000 or less, 3) You were born before January 1, 1945, 4) You were blind or totally and permanently disabled all of the year you are applying for, and 5) You have a dependent child who lived with you the entire year who was born before January 1, of the year you are applying for, and was under the age of 18 all of the year you are applying for. You also must have owned your home or rented and occupied your homestead, or lived in a nursing home that general property taxes were assessed. Claims for the refunds must be made by April 15.
2. How do I get a marriage license?
Marriage licenses are obtained through Clerk of District Court in Ottawa County, (785) 392-2917.
3. How do I get a copy of a birth, marriage, divorce or death certificate?
Most of the above applications can be obtained through the Clerk of District Court in Ottawa County, (785) 392-2917. You may also call the Kansas Department of Vital Statistics at (785)296-1400, or download the forms from http://www.kdhe.state.ks.us/vital/.
4. How do I register a boat?
The application for registering a boat can be obtained in the Ottawa County Clerk’s office, (785)392-2279. These forms then are sent by you to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, or visit their web site http://www.kdwp.state.ks.us/boating/boating.html.
5. Voter Information
Election information can be found on the main page under the County Clerk's office.