A. Road Surfacing Policy 

1. Grading and Rock Surface:  The resident making the request for grading and rocking on an undeveloped open road will be responsible for payment of all expenses necessary to bring the undeveloped road up to county standards.  After the Ottawa County Road and Bridge Department has graded the road to specification, the resident will then be responsible for township rock as outlined in Item #1.  These requests will be handled on a case by case basis, with an estimate of total expense determined after careful review of the request.

B. Any resident requesting a culvert will be responsible for the expense of the culvert and the Ottawa County Road and Bridge Department will deliver upon request and at the County's convenience.

C. Minimum Maintenance Roads and Controlled Access Facility
 (K.S.A. 68-5, 102, K.S.A. 68-1901, K.S.A. 19-101)

Upon request from landowner, the Board of County Commissioners will draft a resolution to declare certain roads as minimum maintenance with controlled access.  After each particular road has been approved by the resolution process as a controlled access, the following will occur;

Ottawa County Road and Bridge Department will affix a gate across the road, a gate ( which has been approved by Ottawa County), with a lock.  The landowners or parties requesting the above will be responsible to pay for the original gate a minimum of $200.  At the time, the County will install the gate and be responsible for maintenance on the gate.  Keys for the lock will be distributed to the landowners, Sheriff Department, Fire Department, Motor Grader Operator, and the Road and Bridge Department.



 A.  Sign Policy

1.  Requests for signs will be decided on a case by case basis.
2.  The entity or individual requesting the signs will pay for the signs and posts.
3.  The county will be responsible to set the signs, at the county's convenience.
4.  Labor on setting the signs will be negotiable.


Revised this 10th day of April, 2000.



Kathy M Luthi, Chairperson
Lon Dean Crosson, Member
Ray McGavran, Member

Mary Arganbright, Ottawa County Clerk