The Ottawa County Road and Bridge Department is responsible for the roads, ditches and bridges that are designated as County. The Road and Bridge Department does the blading, grading, ditch cleaning and bridge repair and/or replacement within Ottawa County. There are approximately 1056 miles of legally open roads in Ottawa County. 169 miles are designated as County Roads. These are roads that are fully maintained by the Road and Bridge Department. Surface material is purchased and placed by the Road and Bridge Department.
There are 10 rural motor grader operators that take care of the gravel and dirt roads within Ottawa County. Each operator is responsible for the blading of approximately 100 miles of earth surfaced roads. Blading of County gravel roads is done first after a rain or snow, then Township gravel that have people living on them are done. Dirt roads and pasture miles are bladed last. In the winter months that we have substantial snow, dirt roads and/or pasture miles are done only in an emergency for the tending of livestock.
New construction or developments: All entrances shall be approved by the Road and Bridge Administrator. If you are going to build a new house or develop an area, a ditch crossing form needs to be completed. You should contact the Ottawa County Road and Bridge Department, for instructions on what procedure needs to be followed. The Ottawa County Road and Bridge Department does have culverts that can be purchased at cost plus a handling fee. The county will deliver these culverts at no charge if delivery is performed at the County's convenience.
Agriculture fields are entitled to one 30 ft. entrance per land owner. The county will furnish a new culvert or an extension for an existing entrance that is not 30 ft wide. Other agriculture entrances are the same policy as new construction.
The County does not remove or replace fence except when it involves County bridge projects. Any work off County right-of-ways will only be performed to prevent problems to County roads or bridges.
Any person requesting additional signs or special signs other than those normally put up by County must pay for the sign and the post. The County will install the sign at no additional cost.