In 1980, in this location we built this facility with an office, chemical storage area, and shop area.
The Noxious Weed Departments were first set up in Kansas in 1937. The first noxious weed at that time was field bindweed. Salt was used at that time for control which just kept the ground from growing anything. In later years, people used chlorate which is what the head of matches are made of. It was very hazardous, and many people were seriously burnt. In the mid to late 40’s 2, 4-D was the most commonly and widely used chemical on the market, and is still used today along with many other chemicals. We have gone from using pounds or quarts per acre to using tenths of an ounce per acre today. The program was set up to help farmers control his noxious weeds, and to sell chemical at a reduced cost.
A noxious weed is a weed that is a determent to agriculture use. In the noxious weed law, there are 12 different noxious weeds at the present time. They are Kudzu, Field Bindweed, Russian Knapweed, Hoary Cress, Canada thistle, Quackgrass, Leafy Spurge, Musk Thistle, Johnson grass, and Serecia Lespedeza. There are also two weeds that can be declared noxious in the county by the County Commissioners. They are the Bull Thistle and Multiflora Rose.
The role of the Noxious Weed Director for Ottawa County is to enforce the noxious weed law. It consists of working with the farmers and their problems. In the weed department, we spray the noxious weeds on county roads, as well as spraying annual weeds. We work on complaints from other people on noxious weeds, as well as keeping on the look out for problem areas ourselves.
If you have any questions concerning the weed department please contact us.